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Best Renovation Themes: Expert Tips for Renovating Your Apartment


You’re reading this, probably because it’s time to give your apartment a revamp. We know that your apartment can feel and get boring sometimes, don't worry Luxbridge got you covered. Remember that change can bring a different kind of feeling, let’s jump right into it focusing on the overall theme of your apartment. When it comes to picking a theme there are quite a number to choose from including:

1. Timeless Elegance

The Timeless Elegance theme is perfect for those who like to keep things simple and classic, mostly due to its neutral color palettes which contain high-quality materials.
To achieve Timeless Elegance follow the tips below:
Put more focus on quality than quantity, I mean invest in fewer but high-quality pieces that last for years.
Stay clear of trendy fads, this is because they can go out of style at any moment. It is wise to choose a design that has proven to be enduring and versatile.
Use classic patterns like stripes, damask, and florals to add visual interest without overwhelming the space.
When remodeling your apartment, aim for the “less is more” philosophy. This is because a few well-chosen pieces can make a strong impact rather than cluttering space.
Timeless Elegance Example
This includes a neutral-toned sofa with a pair of matching armchairs for the living room followed by a vintage vanity table with a decorative mirror that is perfect for the bedroom. You can get a solid wood dining table with upholstered chairs for the dining room. Hope you get the picture, by following through these guides you should have a Timeless Elegance theme set in no time.

2. Relaxed Comfort

Imagine it is a Monday and the day has been quite long at the office, then you arrive at your apartment, and since you follow Luxbridge and read all their blog posts. Your room is cozy with an inviting tone, then you are laid back in the perfect atmosphere and relaxed.  The goal for “Relaxed Comfort”  is to make the space feel comfortable so that you can unwind and feel at ease.

The following are tips to achieve Relaxed Comfort;

  • Prioritize comfort, it’s right in the name. Choose Furniture and Decorations that feel comfortable and inviting. Before you add the furniture as part of your interior design you must test them for comfort.
  • Layer textiles: When it comes to layer textiles, it is best to remodel with a mix of textiles to add depth and warmth to the entire apartment. You can combine different fabrics such as cotton, wool, and faux fur for a cozy feel.
  • Use soft finishings like cushions, throws, and area rugs. This is going to enhance your overall comfort level.
Relaxed Comfort Example
The perfect example would be combining a table lamp with warm, soft lighting and a few house plants for the living room. Cushioned headboard and high-thread-count bedding for the bedroom and centerpiece with fresh flowers for the dining room. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different combinations to find the one you like.

3. Modern Minimalism

If your style is more of combining simplicity and functionality when modernizing your apartment no doubt this theme is for you, matter of fact after reading through just close your phone or laptop and start refurbishing your apartment just remember to use white gray, or black as the dominant color palette.
To achieve the Modern Minimalism theme;
  • Keep your room free of unnecessary items, and maintain a clean and tidy room.
  • Choose furniture and decorations that serve a purpose since you will be focusing on simplicity.
  • Use built-in storage solutions to keep items out of sight. This helps to maintain a clean, uncluttered look.
  • Have you ever heard of the negative space strategy, this is when you don’t fill up every bit of your room and leave some parts empty. remember, you don’t need to feel every inch of your room.
Modern Minimalism Example
For this room setup, consider a stock low-profile sofa in a neutral color for the living room, a built-in wardrobe with sliding doors for the bedroom, and a simple, rectangular dining table with modern chairs for the dining room.

4. Vintage Revival 

The Vintage Revival theme is all about bringing the past to life with a fresh perspective. Be it refurbishing your apartment for the first time. The Vintage Revival theme embraces the charm and character of bygone eras while at the same time incorporating modern touches.
Tips to achieve a Vintage Revival theme on your apartment
  • Choose a standard vintage piece as the room's center point. It can be anything like a classic sofa, an antique mirror, or a retro cabinet.
  • Experiment with a mix of different vintage styles and don’t be afraid. Combining pieces from various eras can create a stunning apartment.
  • Strike a balance between vintage pieces and modern materials to prevent the space from feeling like a time capsule.
Vintage Revival Example
Picture a refinished wooden coffee table with a patina finish for the living room, a collection of vintage hats displayed on the wall of your bedroom and an antique china cabinet filled with unique dishware. 
Maintaining your renovated apartment 
Once everything is done and in place, now here comes the fun part of maintenance and making sure your apartment is sparkling clean.
  • Carry out a routine cleaning which includes dusting surfaces weekly vacuuming or sweeping floors and wiping down furniture
  • Care for your vintage and delicate items by using appropriate cleaning products and handle them with care to avoid damage
  • In case of damage carry out an immediate repair to address minor issues promptly and prevent small problems from escalating
  • You can use humidity control to prevent mold and mildew in bathrooms and kitchens you can use dehumidifiers if necessary
By taking care and maintaining your innovative apartment you can ensure that everything is going to remain beautiful and functional for years to come.


Starting a renovation project on your apartment can be overwhelming at first, you can start by making small changes or at the beginning of a new month where the motivation is as it peaks. Please share your own renovation tips and experience in the comments section and let us know which theme you liked the most. And don’t forget to send this blog to someone you think needs their apartment renovated.